All the data and materials published herein by Wardwizard Foods & Beverages Ltd is in good faith and for general information purpose only. While we have presented the data and material in a correct and absolute form, we do not accept liability for any errors or omissions in this section/page or any other section/page of the website. The utmost care and precautions are taken regarding the accuracy of the information, also we are disciplined in updating the information regularly, but we do not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information. And we may also change the information at any time without prior notice. We publish this data “as is” without any warranty of any kind, express or implied.
Wardwizard Foods & Beverages Ltd shall also not be responsible for any liability, claims, losses of any nature, occurred to you directly or indirectly from the use of the data or material on this section/page (or any other section/page of this website) or unauthorized access to this section or otherwise howsoever arising (except to the extent required by law). The information in the Key Financial Statistics, Interactive Charts, or Share Prices and Graphs is not an invitation to invest in the shares, or any other goods or services, or to trade in them in any other way, or to enter a contract with “Wardwizard Foods & Beverages Ltd” or any other firm. The information in the Share Prices and Graphs is updated every 15 minutes or so. You can print as many copies of this section’s information as you need for your personal use, provided that the copies include any related proprietary notices and/or disclaimers. Statements in this section about the Company’s goals, plans, forecasts, and expectations can be considered “forward-looking statements” under applicable securities laws and regulations. Actual outcomes can vary significantly from those stated or implied.
Economic conditions affecting demand/supply and price conditions in the domestic and international markets in which the Company operates, adjustments in Government legislation, tax laws and other statutes, and incidental factors are all important factors that could influence the Company’s operations.